Red-figure bell Krater
Measures | h 21,4; ø edge 24,4 |
Place and chronology | Salentino - Tomb. 25. Second half of the 4th century BC |
The krater to contain wine.
When an individual died, relatives gathered near his grave to celebrate a banquet.
It was thought that the deceased also participated in this moment, because his soul still retained the needs of the body, such as drinking and eating.
All the objects used for the ritual were then placed in the grave to be used in the afterlife.
In fact, in ancient beliefs, the afterlife was a happy place where one participated in parties and banquets, wearing a wreath of flowers!
This krater is called a bell, because it recalls the shape of an inverted bell, and was used to hold liquids, especially wine mixed with water.
The decoration is very refined made with red figures on a black background.